Cheers to our "talented" literature prize awardee. Your pain his gain !!!
WHO'S WHO 1936
Aly Abdel Azim pasha
Mohamed Abdel Moneim, crown prince
Abdel Kader Abdel Razek bey, Conseiller-Royal
Amine Antoun bey, membre du conseil provincial, Keneh
Dario Assayas, Proprietaire
Moh. Ragheb Attia bey, Conseiller
Michel Ayoub, Expert-agronome
Anton R. Badrutt, Dir. The Upper Egypt Hotels Co.
Moh. Amine Bahgat bey, Dir.Imprimerie Nationale
Mahmoud Bassiouni, Ancien ministre, avocat
H. Beranger, Cie du Gaz
Rene Basil Bichara, Consulaire de France
Yassa Andrawos
Edgard Boulad, Commercant
M.T. Butt, American Express Co.
Moh. Abdel Aziz Cherif, Amir
Gaston Dalati, Assureur
Mohamed Aly Delawor bey, Avocat
Moh. Hassan El-Abd bey, Entrepreneur
Aly Fahmy pasha, Lewa
Gabriel Farwagi, vice-consul - Greant Britain
Powell Irving Fitzgerald, miralia Hopital Militaire A.E.
Moussa Fouad pasha, Ancien ministre
Morice Gattengno, Commercant
Mohamed Hafez pasha, Lewa
Moh. Awad Ibrahim bey, Ministre de l'Inst.Pub.
Emilio Ingala, cavallieri Dir.Commercial Bank
Ahmed Fahmy Kattan, bey
Moustafa Hamdi Kattan, Ing.
Ibrahim Khairy pasha, Lewa
Jacques F. Koller, Ing.
Vito Levi Lusena, Commercant
Ahmed Hamdi Mahboub, Dir. Gen. de la Securite Pub.
Ahmed Maher bey, MD Ancien ministre, journaliste
Habib H Masri bey, Ministre.des Finances
Esa Hamdy Maziny bey, MD Dir. de sect. A l'Hygiene Pub.
Mohamed Mohasseb, Avocat
Mohamed Nafea pasha, Rentier
Mohamed Niazi pasha, Ancien moudir (gouverneur)
Giovanni Pozzi, Assureur
Pasquale Prosperi, Distribiteur de films
Hamed Radwan bey, Ancien Conseiller
Hubert Reynolds, Negociant
Hussein Rifki bey, aide-de-camp en chef de S.M. le Roi
Leon Rolin, Entrepreneur
Ahmed Rouchdi, Ing.
Mohamed Samir bey, Vice-pres.Cour d'Appel
Abdel Rahman Sawy, bey Dir. Ecole Polytechnique
Abdel Meguid Selim, cheik Moufti d'Egypte
Mansour Shakour pasha, Misr Airworks
Naguib Shakour pasha, Rentier
Moh. Selim Shoeb bey, Dir.Gen. Domaines de L'Etat
Abdel Hamid Sioufi bey,
Hussein Sioufi pasha, Rentier
Mahd.Taha Sioufi bey, Maitre des Ceremonies de S.M. le Roi
Mohamed Taher pasha, member of royal family
John G. Vella, Dir. Royal Assurance
Mahmoud Wahby bey, Rentier
Jean Zangrando-Bercovitch